Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Album Review: Romance is Boring - Los Campesinos!

Los Campesinos' third studio album (of four), Romance is Boring was released in 2010 to follow up the band's two album releases in 2008: Hold On Now, Youngster... and We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed. The whole album is strong, and I would definitely recommend it. I'm not sure how I ever considered this band as electronica (they're not, at all, in any sense of the word), but the crazed guitar work on this and earlier albums might be a clue. As is my wont, I'm going to list a couple of my favorite tracks - in case you want to check them out before you buy:

"There Are Listed Buildings" - Possibly the most reminiscent of Hold On Now Youngster, this second of the album's singles earns its place with quick guitars, an upbeat percussion track, and great lyrics.

"Romance Is Boring" - Fast, angry without losing its heart, and with a really fantastic music video to boot. Deserving of its position as the title track and third single.

"Straight In At 101" - What might be the best breakup song of all time, this is certainly far out in front in the running for Los Campesinos' most explicit tune. That, however, is its charm: lyrics like "I've been playing straight chicken with gay girls (it's never enough)", it's not hard to feel the singer's frustration.

"The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future" - I didn't really realize that this band could write a truly sad song. I was wrong. Dialing their characteristic speed and energy back doesn't stop the rapid-fire vocal delivery, and the contrast only makes this first single all the more affecting.

You can check out a handful of Los Campesinos' stuff on the KEXP Song Of The Day podcast, which usually releases at least one song from each of their albums.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Back soon

Whoops. Forgot to post for four months. A quick site redesign, and hopefully I'll get right back to it.